Jeannine Riant is an intuitive guide who holds a safe space for women who are stepping in to step up!

Native from the Acadian French shores of Eastern Nova Scotia, she's stepped into a more rural city vibe and now resides in Bedford, NS.

Jeannine is passionate about her business, leading a heart-centered wellness company

focused on intentional stillness, authenticity, and alignment.

Jeannine helps women explore intentional stillness through various modalities and offerings so that they feel supported along their healing journey.

Jeannine empowers women to build self-trust. She invites them to put themselves first, so they can feel stronger mentally and emotionally as they recognize triggers.

She meets her clients where they are and helps them gain clarity and build confidence to better understand what their body and soul need in order to align with their souls’ purpose.

Women who work with Jeannine learn to re-discover their intuitive insights via their body, their heart, and their deep inner wisdom, so that they can step out of their comfort zone.

By doing so, women change their vibrational state and frequency to stand in their power so that positive change can take place.

How do I build social trust for my business?



Jeannine's Core Values

Jeannine’s core values are centered around trust

(trusting self, trusting those close to her and trusting the Universe).

She is passionate about the healing journey and continuous growth. Jeannine believes that following, flowing and being in alignment with her heart space will always lead her exactly where she needs to be and that embraces the act of surrendering as a core component to how she lives her life.

Jeannine’s passion is to be a facilitator of kindness and community. She aspires to be "the place" women turn to when they need a safe place to land and an escape from their inner and outer chaos. A place where someone will walk beside them, meet them where they are and offer a space free of judgement, division, and criticism where everyone feels welcomed.

She facilitates many facets of her business, from workshop leader, energy worker, facilitator, speaker, and author through various modalities and one-on-one or group offerings. She is a speaker who invites her audience to embrace intentional stillness as she takes them on a discovery of self. She is a published co-author, being part of the book “Superwoman Myths – Break the Rules of Silence and Speak UP Your Truth. In 2023 she was a top 5 finalist for the Halifax Chamber of Commerce New Business of the Year Award.

One of the days that I knew I was in the right line of work, working with the right people and helping the right women, who are having issues and struggles was when is when someone told me that working with me changed and shifted their lives and now. ABOUT PAGE and ELSEWHERE

"Trusting the process, the Universe, the people around me, my heart, and my decisions - however illogical they felt to others - was part of my solution to finding joy."

In 2006, the drum opened the door for her to <Step in>, to discover that there was more to this earthly life than a physical body. She has realized since then that the major pieces to her life have become fueled by belly laughs, intuitive guidance, heart-centered conscious awareness, and continual growth towards a more fulfilled and passionate life.

This inward journey has enabled her to:

· Take charge of her life again

· Follow what is truly meant for her

· Cut out the noise around her trying to tell her what to do and how to do it

· Fully embrace who she is, her quirkiness and all

· Let go of what no longer serves her

· Say no when the ask is not aligned with her value system

· Find compassion and love for herself as well as others

· Create a nurturing and calm space for herself and others

· Leave an unhealthy relationship and not settle

· Ask for help

· Understand the true power of getting coached and being held in a safe place

· Be vulnerable and know that THAT is ok

In 2017 Jeannine realized that her marriage was coming to an end. For 2 years prior to leaving her 27-year relationship she was coming to terms that if she stayed… she was settling! Jeannine had always envisioned growing old with her partner, but things were changing, and she could either stay and have a mediocre life or leave and find true joy within herself again. Finding that joy took some work, living in Costa Rica during the separation, she arrived in Canada to financial crisis, she needed SUPPORT!

Vulnerability, asking, seeking guidance were the first steps. TRUSTING the process, herself, the Universe, the people around her, her heart, her decisions, however illogical they felt to others was part of the solution to finding her joy and getting back on track. Lastly, ALIGNED ACTION! Jeannine chose to not sit in fetal position on her sister’s couch for too long. Baby steps needed to be taken. With the right support and trust Jeanine found clarity, became empowered and created a life for her and her two beautiful daughters as she found her purpose in life. In 2021, she opened Fully Align Studio only to lose it in the July 2023 during the Bedford floods. Instead of closing the doors for good, Jeannine took this as a sign that the Universe had other things in store.

Jeannine has a soothing voice coated with compassion that exudes positive energy. She has a smile that is contagious and an electric energy that draws people to her as she facilitates, sacred drumming circles, family constellations, cacao ceremonies, sound baths, breath work, ecstatic dance, retreats, workshops, and transformational conscious life coaching as well as individual sessions such as reiki, access bars, whole body focusing and more.

If you are looking for someone to walk beside you and meet you where you are, Jeannine will do so with compassion and a strong grounded presence so that you can feel safe as you shift your life to a healthier, happier, more connected you!

Fun fact about Jeannine: While selling encyclopedias door to door in Montreal after graduating from university, Jeannine walked in on a drug bust… needless to say, no encyclopedias were sold that night but an interrogation of questions followed as she knocked at the door with a backpack in tow.

Be Radiantly Big and remember to stay fully aligned!

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Me Time Without The Guilt

3 Ways to Create Your Own

Guilt-Free ME TIME

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